
Category Archives for "Trade Show Marketing Tips"

How to Use a Roll-Up Banner Stand

How to Use a Roll-Up Banner Stand

In the world of marketing gear, there’s nothing more commanding or easy to assemble than the roll-up banner stand. Also known as a pull-up or retractable banner, these large promotional displays are a must-have if you’re looking to draw attention to your brand and business. How do you use a roll-up banner stand? A roll-up […]

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Trade Shows & The Gig Economy : A Perfect Match

Gig Economy & Trade Shows: A Perfect Match

Put simply, the term “gig economy” refers to the exchange of labour for money between individuals, companies or organizations by way of digital platforms. These exchanges actively facilitate the pairing of providers (gig workers) and customers onto a payment-by-task or “gig” plan, that is often a short-term engagement. So how do the gig economy & […]

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The Exhibitors Handbook – Get All the Info You Need

exhibitors handbook featured image

Exhibiting at industry-related trade shows is a powerful marketing tool for building brand awareness, generating leads, meeting face-to-face with existing clients, and engaging with customers. 87% of companies that exhibited in trade shows reported that the exhibitions were highly valuable in achieving their marketing and branding goals. As an official distributor and partner with Orbus […]

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Printed Banner Stands – Quick and Easy Promotion Tools

banner stands featured image

Printed banner stands are the crutches on which physical branding for businesses and organizations has been held up for decades. Banners constitute a large portion of branding material as they are convenient to use and modify on the go as situations dictate. Banner stands are user-friendly display units which are critical in delivering your message […]

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10 Email Tips for Better Trade Show Marketing

Outbound marketing - 10 tips

Trade show marketing can be expensive, especially if not done correctly. According to a 2019 survey conducted among convention and industry professionals, it was found that 49% of respondents reported no change in their budget from 2018 to 2019, while 36% reported a budget increase. These 10 email tips should help you maximize the ROI on your trade […]

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