The Perfect 10 Trade Show Display

With so many different construction techniques and manufacturers, can there really be a perfect 10ft trade show display? Well, there is one that is called that – the Perfect 10. And while it may not be perfect, it is really really good.ScreenHunter_22 Jan. 11 17.07-resized-600

The Perfect 10 trade show display is one of several different models of modular, portable hybrid displays made by Classic Exhibits; they are called hybrids because they combine aluminum extrusion frames with tension fabric graphics – and lots of accessories. This creates a European sort of style, very lightweight, very easy to assemble, and the best of these hybrids, like the Perfect 10 and it’s “cousins”, are the tool-less versions.

The extrusions can be bent into different shapes, so imagination rules, and the Perfect 10, with a slinky vertically curved shape, is a “perfect” example. The manufacturer has gone out of their way to eliminate the “bag of bolts” approach, and spent some time figuring out how to assemble this exhibition stand without tools; the result is knobs and attached connectors that are all tightened by hand.

These “Perfect 10” trade show displays come in a few dozen different configurations, all featuring the vertical curve, with a variety of side wings, signs, and accessories like monitor mounts, literature holders, etc. The P10 isn’t limited to 10 ft wide either; if you take the wings off, it fits an 8ft booth space. And you can link several inline, to create 10×20 and 10×30 displays perfect 10-resized-600

Even the shipping cases clearly were well designed – they feature layered boards with foam, filled with cut-out holes for the hardware – everything has a place, and everything is protected in its assigned space. The outside is durable, with handles and wheels.

For the months of January and February, the Perfect 10 is on sale – for a perfect 10% discount! If you’re shopping for a perfect 10ft display, check this design out – it looks great, travels easiy,  setups and disassembles quickly, and shouts “QUALITY” to all of your customers. Check out our website and give us a call for more information.

Want to see more options? Check out our LITE displays and Waveline Displays

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