
Category Archives for "trade show flooring"

Gray Wood Flooring: A Modern Solution for Stylish Trade Show Booths

gray wood flooring

Choosing the perfect flooring can transform any space. Gray wood flooring made from interlocking tiles offers both style and practicality. The color variation in gray wood flooring provides a range of tones that can enhance the modern look of any space. Different types of gray wood flooring are available, such as interlocking tiles, planks, and […]

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Making The Right Choice in Trade Show Flooring

custom printed rolled vinyl trade show floor

Exhibitors normally start preparing for a trade show by considering their trade show booth components, especially focusing on their backwalls and graphics. And rightly so, these are the key tools we all use to attract attention at the convention hall. When the organizer does get around to thinking about what will be under everyone’s feet, […]

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Sustainable Trade Show Flooring

If you read up on the latest trade show industry news, sustainability is a trending topic. California’s Anaheim Convention Center recently earned an award, LEED Gold certification, as a sustainable building. The ecology factor is much more than just awareness of how pollution and waste destroy the environment. In its full scope, sustainability also is part […]

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