
Category Archives for "Trade Show Budgets"

The Emergence of Chinese-Made Portable Trade Show Displays in the U.S.


There was a time when just the mention of Chinese-Made Portable Trade Show Displays in our industry sparked intense negative comments followed by an insistence that such items would never penetrate the market. The products were considered inferior, untrustworthy and a downright insult to every manufacturer and distributor in the United States. I even recall […]

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Trade Show Display Budgets

How much time have you put into creating your trade show budget? Have you even considered creating a trade show budget, or have you just been moving along, hoping that everything will fall into place? Without a realistic budget, it’s highly unlikely that everything is just going to…fall into place. Listing everything you need may […]

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5 Easy Ways to Leverage Your Trade Show Display Investment

It’s no secret that trade shows are an expensive method of gathering leads. Undoubtedly effective, with great ROI’s when done well, but still expensive. In a recent marketing survey by Hubspot, 28% percent of respondents even listed it as their most expensive lead-generation technique. That makes it a little tougher in a corporate environment that may be focused […]

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