Are Your Trade Show Display Strategies Ready For 2013?
As we’ve mentioned here several times, conventions and trade shows have been one of the single most reliable forms of advertising pretty much since the birth of the industrial era. It’s a form of outreach that simply has never been replaced no matter what new technologies come along. There’s no better way of telling people about your latest products and services than face-to-face, with plenty of supporting materials.
However, trade show displays have been anything but static. One of the reasons the format has existed in marketing for so long is that it can be constantly updated to fit the mood, styles, and desires of each new generation. As such, the best trade show displays are going to be those that blend a bit of the old and the new.
So, let’s take a look at some new strategies you should be thinking about adopting. Most of these aren’t going to be new ideas, but they’ve taken root and they’re likely to be around for some time.
Five Hot Trends In Trade Show Displays For 2013… And Beyond!
- Technology will dominate. As we come to live in a more gadget-laden world, consumers are coming to expect more gadgets around them. A trade show booth which only offers paper materials is going to be seen as behind the times. You should look for ways to integrate more technology into your display stands – tablets, cameras, and smart displays especially. These aren’t just for gee-whiz appeal, they also give your visitors new ways to interact with you and your products.
- BYOD support is growing. Along with the new tech focus, visitors want to be able to “Bring Your Own Device.” They want to use the gizmos they’ve got in their pockets. Pretty much anything you can add to your trade show displays that inspires people to pull out their tablet or smartphone will be good for your outreach. Anything from barcodes and QR codes to scan, to digital business cards, to interactive social media features will boost your attendance.
- Social media continues to dominate. It’s huge in every other area of marketing, so it’s no surprise that social media will continue to be important to exposition displays as well. It ties into the drive towards BYOD. You should be thoroughly pushing your trade show attendance, as well as keeping the updates coming constantly throughout the show. Similarly, encouraging visitors to follow you on social media will be a steady and important source of new leads – possibly even eclipsing the standard post-show emails and phone call followups.
- Visitors will want more stuff. Unfortunately, one tradeoff of the “me-centric” content-driven age we’re living in is that people want more freebies, and will tend to reward those who offer them. This does not have to be totally literal, however! Especially among freelancers and bloggers, offering opportunities for people to gain experience or materials for their portfolios can be more powerful than free pens. Look for ways to allow people to
interact with your exhibits andcreate something they can use going forward. (Plus, it’s cheaper than paying for more swag!)
- Keep going green. Perhaps with all this high-tech focus, it’s not surprising that some people are uncomfortable with the implications. Leaving aside the questions of how recyclable an iPad is, keep looking to use renewable\reusable materials in your trade show displays. It makes a great talking point, plus it’s often no more expensive to source than non-green solutions. Look for banner stands and pop-up displays that could be reused cheaply, rather than buying one-shot displays that have to be torn down afterwards.
For more, check out how to go green with your displays or how to sell trade show displays.