Seven Tips For Stocking Your Trade Show Stands

If there’s one rule for packing your trade show stands, whether it’s your first or your fiftieth, it’s that you’re never able to take everything with you that you’d like.custom sacagawea portable hybrid expo display with flat canopy and counters-resized-600

It’s a part of the trade show booth design process that rarely gets easier.  Choosing what to take and highlight in your expo displays is one of the single most important decisions you can make.  It defines the tone of your presentations, as well as ultimately dictating which visitors decide to visit your expo display as they’re wandering the show floor.

Now, just how much you can fit into your trade show stands will largely depend on the size of the space you’re renting, but we’ve still put together some tips to help you whittle down the selection and pick the absolute best items to take with you!

Seven Tips For Stocking The Best in Your Expo Displays

  1. Decide on your theme and message first

The best way to narrow down your options on what stock and items to take with you is to simply have a plan in place before you start deciding on the details.  What message(s) are you trying to put forward with your trade show display?  Consider issues like:

  • Overall messaging:  What aspects of your business are you focusing on?
  • Public appeal: What theme is likely to make your fans want to drop by?
  • Color coordination:  A stylish booth often picks its own display items.
  • Direct selling: Is it a push, or merely a nice side bonus?

If you’ve already decided ahead of time on a theme and a display color scheme, you’ll find that it becomes far easier to design a trade show backdrop and select items to take with you that go along with that theme.  It’s generally better to start there, than to select stock and then try to create a theme around them.

  1. Focus on your latest releases.

If this year’s expo booth is going to focus on new products and services, those should be the emphasis of the display.  A small stock of catalog items can help make a few sales during the trade show itself, but you don’t want to distract attention from your big announcement.

Generally, you want to bring the latest and the greatest to your expo appearances, so start with new ideas if you’re looking for a theme.  Get people excited about your latest offerings, and you’ll see interest in your older items as well.

  1. Show off a range of price points.ipad kiosk with graphic wing and halo graphic

It’s often tempting to bring along only your most expensive and impressive items to a trade show, but remember that you’re going to be running into buyers at all price ranges.  Stocking your exhibition booths with nothing but your profit-leaders can often chase off purchasers who are on a budget.

Look for a representative selection, from your most affordable products to your most expensive.  You want a selection that shows off your own range of prices, to give a good idea of everything your company has to offer.  This also adds to your own negotiation options, when you’re working with buyers and trying to stay within their budget.

  1. Ask your social media fans for opinions.

Remember that these days, if you ever have a question about what your existing fans and customers might like, you’ve got social media to turn to!

Involving your followers in your pre-show planning is a great way to build interest in your booth design, while still getting useful information to market research questions.  Ask them which products or services of yours are their favorites, or the ones they think would be most compelling at your trade show display.

If you have contacts, such as through LinkedIn, that you know are likely to be attending, pay especial attention to their requests.  Try to have the items in stock that your fans are asking for!

  1. Pick photogenic items.

Speaking of social media, keep it in mind when you’re selecting merchandise and products to put on display.  You want stock that will look good when you’re taking pictures of it during the show and uploading it to your social media feeds.

You’re no longer relying on passing journalists and bloggers to take pictures for you, so be proactive!  Be thinking about the photo-worthiness of your trade show display, and look for items which will honestly make for good pictures when paired with it.

Remember, your online trade show photographs will continue working for you for months or years to come, so take the best pictures you can!

When in doubt, keep your trade show prep simple! Share on X

VI.  When in doubt, keep it simple

How much stock you bring will largely depend on your goals for the show.   However, generally speaking, a more stripped-down booth design is still superior to one that’s cluttered. For example, take a look at the pictures and video coming out of Homeshow, which is a direct-sale monster for home furnishing businesses.

The booths on display there, at one of the premiere home furnishings trade shows, can give you great ideas on how to lay out your booth design in an inviting way, while still having plenty of stock out for sale.

If it’s a choice between having room to walk, and having more room for products, stick with an open and inviting booth design.  Clutter shipping-pallet-that-converts-to-table-counterwill tend to send people towards more inviting booths.

VII.  Don’t forget the freebies!

However much merchandise you’re bringing with you, don’t forget to bring along some swag.  It’s still a staple of trade shows, and it’s not likely to go away any time soon.

Rather than having a single table of giveaways, try spreading them around your booth.  Pair swag with items that it relates to, so there’s less chance of people grabbing goodies without sticking around to look at what you have to offer.

Try to focus on having “demo” items whenever possible, whether it’s a hands-on display item or simple cloth swatches people can take with them.  You want items which people will use and remind them that they’re supposed to be thinking about a purchase.

Choose Wisely When Stocking Your Expo Displays

All this underlines the importance for pre-planning when you’re getting ready for your next trade show.  Be thinking about layout and selection, even when you’re still deciding on a theme.  These elements all fit together like puzzle pieces.

If you have the big picture planned out, you’ll find it’s far easier to decide what to bring to your convention appearances!

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