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The Reality of Trade Show Marketing

You have a product or a service that you would like to promote at a trade show, but you don’t know where to start, or how to get started.  There are a number of resources that you can use to gather the necessary information to get you started.  When you do decide to promote your product or service at a trade show, make sure thathybrid modular island trade show display-resized-600 your display is done in a professional, tasteful manner. Remember, the trade show display is a reflection of your company, and the first impression that many of the attendees will have of your company.

When you are considering promoting your products or services at a trade show, you should ask yourself the following questions:

1)  Why does it matter how my display stand looks?

2)  What can I do to attract customers to my display?

3)  Does my display truly represent the business or services that I am promoting?

Let’s answer these questions.

On a different note, what is it that motivates people to attend trade shows? Some people attend trade shows because they are looking for something in specific, while others attend for the atmosphere, and then you have those, who have no real interest in the products and services that are being promoted at the trade shows, but attend for the freebies, or hope that they will be one of the lucky winners in those trade show giveaways that the management of the trade show venue usually sponsors.As your primary goal should be to attract people to your trade show displays and try to convert them into a sale, keep in mind that with some trade show attendees, you’re not going to be able to convert them into sales, no matter what you do. Again, there are those that attend trade shows because they are looking for something in specific, those that attend simply for the atmosphere, and those that attend for the freebies. You should focus on those individuals who look serious and like they are looking for something in specific, like maybe the next BIG thing…which to them, could be your product or service.  Perception is reality you know.

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