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3 new social networking updates and how to use them in your trade show marketing

Social networking seems to evolve faster than anything we’ve ever seen in the marketing world. Each time you log in, it seems like something — whether huge or minor — has changed. This week, we’re here to help you pinpoint exactly what’s different.

Below are three ways Google+, Facebook and Instagram have changed in the last week, and how you can make the most of each new trend at future shows.

1. Google+ introduces Collections

Google+ has always been an important tool in a marketer’s social belt. But it’s frequently used to boost SEO and not to truly connect within the network. Now, Google+ is looking to change that.

Google+ has just rolled out Collections, which allows users to easily organize and follow topic-based posts. For instance, instead of individually following your favorite bloggers, you can now follow a Marketing Blogger Collection. Or create your own to tout at shows so that potential customers can follow your collection.

Creating a collection for your business only takes a couple of minutes — especially if you use your Pinterest boards for inspiration.

2. Facebook Messenger rolls out video calls

Social media cannot get enough of video lately. With the introduction of Meerkat and Periscope, social video streaming is becoming mainstream. And if those words still conjure up images of an animal and a submarine viewing mechanism, read this.

Facebook recently rolled out video calling on its Messenger service. So next time you have are out of town at a show, suggest a Facebook video call for any meetings or client calls you can’t miss. They’ll be impressed by how on top of the trends you are.

Or, use Facebook video calling next time you get a message from an upset customer. When face to face, users will typically be less vicious and angry than they would be in an email or chat. Video calls diffuse tense situations by highlighting your friendly, empathetic face.

Plus, it is so easy. There’s no need to download any additional programs. All you do is open a chat window and click the video icon. Bada bing, bada boom!

Video chat on Facebook’s Messenger is already outrageously popular. In the first two days of their launch, more than 1 million video calls were made.

3. Instagram debuts new filters — and emoji hashtags

Users have long complained about the inability to hashtag emojis on Instagram, which makes sense since emojis play a huge role in this app’s community. After all, this is an image-sharing social network. Scroll through any list of comments on a post, and you’ll see emojis galore.

Now, you can finally search those emoji hashtags. Scroll through a specific emoji hashtag to see what’s out there. Then, post an Instagram on your business account and hashtag an emoji. Chances are, you’ll be introducing your users to the feature. And, they’ll be happy to see it.

When you’re there, take advantage of the three new filters that hit the market, too.

Even though trade shows, by their nature, take advantage of face-to-face marketing, your business should not forget to take advantage of social media and all of its evolving features.

For more information, please check out our articles on marketing your trade show with Facebook and using Instagram for your trade show promotions.

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