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Get Outside the Box in your Trade Show Displays!

Customer service and responsiveness seems to be a lost art these days. It is so difficult to find examples of that fading skill when you’re walking past trade show booths or visiting franchise business. eco-smart hybrid exhibition display with tension fabric graphics and monitors

First of all, it is very rare to be given a sincere greeting. You are most likely to be given a mass produced experience at the expense of your individual needs.

Trying to get decent customer service with a phone company or a satellite provider is almost impossible – and is almost understandable, given the mass volume of clients whom they do business with.

This can also be true at a trade show. The goal of the trade show management clearly seems to be to cram as many businesses into as small a space as possible. It is sensory overload for the potential client, with all of the large graphics and myriad trade show booths, with quick talking sales representatives vying for the attention of each and every customer. It is a mass production of a sort, and many clients walk away feeling just like you do when you walk into a franchise business – “what about me?”

The magic to fighting that feeling is to individualize your dealings with potential customers and to think about their needs – get outside the box of your trade show displays. This approach does not have a magical solution; rather, it is a multitude of the little things that add up into a truly impressive interaction with the client, the individual attention that you always hope to receive when speaking with a company representative.

Here are a number of things that you can remind yourself of on every day of a trade show to make sure clients walk away remembering your name and the special treatment you gave them:

So many trade shows involve customers walking around and being assaulted by the “bubbles” of pushy sales representatives who are impersonal and leave no lasting impression. Stand out from the pack while making a personal impression outside of the box of your trade show displays. Invite prospects inside, and they are more likely to want to stay there with you.

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