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Exhibition Displays Don’t Need a Kitchen Sink!

One problem every company runs into when planning their exhibition displays is what to include. Your company undoubtedly has numerous aspects that would resonate with your prospects, but fundamentally, you don’t have much floor space. You’ve probably heard the old idiom or saying, “everything but the kitchen sink” – at trade shows, you can’t include everything,and generally speaking, a more open and uncluttered design is better for attracting visitors anyway.10x20 hyperlite trade show display Zaxxon-resized-600

So, given that less is generally more, how do you narrow down what goes into your exhibition displays?

Here are a few suggestions for strategies to try:

Focusing Your Trade Show Displays

Stand Out By Being Focused

The key takeaway here is that your exhibition displays should always try to have a single unified message. Leave the sink at home and don’t throw things into your booth willy-nilly; try to have a single coherent message that all the booth elements contribute to and focus on. If you were to quiz a visitor after the show as to what your booth was “about,” they should be able to answer correctly in one or two sentences.

Focusing in this way helps ensure that your visitors leave your trade show display with a clear idea of who you are, boosting your lead rates later on.

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