Why Direct Mail Should Still be in your Trade Show Marketing Plans
It’s easy to get caught up in the latest and “greatest” in technological gimmickry. However, the tried-and-true methods still work, and you shouldn’t overlook them when it’s time to promote your trade show displays.
After all, direct mail is still one of the most-used trade show outreach methods, accounting for an average of 30% of trade show attendees’ ad spend.
Further, direct mail offers several distinct advantages over electronic communications. Even in this age of always-online customers and consistent beeping distractions, plain ol’ “snail mail” is still a highly effective solution.
Getting the Most Out of Direct Mail at a Trade Show
1 – Plan at Least Two Campaigns
Some say it’s best to hit your leads early on, so they can pencil the trade show into their calendar. Others say to wait until it’s close to the show to build immediate interest and excitement. We say, do both.
An “awareness” campaign early on will tell people in an area that you’re coming, but supplement it with more exciting materials as the trade show nears. That way, you catch the long-term planners, as well as those who decide to attend on a whim.
2 – Optimize Your Geo-Targeting
There’s now an absolute wealth of information online about cities, neighborhoods, and even specific city blocks and the people they contain. It’s no longer necessary to blanket an entire city. With some time spent in research – or utilizing a marketing professional – you can quickly identify the districts and regions most likely to attend a convention.
One of the big problems with direct mail is the relatively high costs of printing and mailing. This can be mitigated with smarter trade show outreach that reduces the size of the print job.
3 – Include Complimentary Tickets
Hey, why over-think things? If there’s an entrance fee for the convention, send out freebies. A free ticket to a trade show means, if nothing else, that person has something to do that weekend. It’s also going to get them ripping into your materials.
4 – Get More Personalized
Previously, it was usually necessary to order direct mail materials in large batches to save on printing. With computer-aided layout and printing, it’s now far easier -and more affordable- to introduce variations into a print job.
Rather than running off ten thousand copies of the same materials, it’s now possible to, for example, runoff ten variations, at one-thousand each, to create better targeting.
Or, it doesn’t have to be that complex. Something as simple as creating two versions, except one using “he” and the other using “she,” could be highly effective when mailed out to the appropriate sexes. Why worry about making gender-invisible “mass market” mailers when you could enhance their direct appeal with targeting based on gender instead?
The same can be true for targeting minority groups, fans of particular hobbies, or virtually any other demographic subdivisions you care to make. If you’re targeting Latinos, make a version that talks about Juan rather than John. If you want geeks, talk about eSports like Starcraft instead of real sports like Football.
These are simple substitutions that a modern print shop can easily set up.
5 – Be Tactically Tactile
One of the biggest benefits to direct mail is that it offers something the Internet cannot: actual physicality. Online ads are necessarily limited to audio and visuals. DM can incorporate all of the senses.
(Ok, granted, engaging the taste buds can be tricky, but it’s possible.)
Try creating mailers that are legitimately interesting to hold and manipulate. Use a variety of physical materials in their makeup. To the fingers, it’s like a multi-course meal. It’s a very subtle psychological effect, but in this age of soulless touchscreens, people can be starved of things that are actually fun to touch.
Likewise, if you can work in gimmicks that make the package fun to open, that adds to the experience. Perhaps some sort of interesting origami fold or a nested set of packages that all get tugged open in different ways.
6 – Include Digital “Sneak Peaks”
Since there are now numerous options for integrating digital materials into your marketing, they can even ride along with your direct physical mailers! This is a great way to build interest in your products ahead of the show.
You’ve got two basic options here:
A) Send Out USB Thumb Drives
They weigh almost nothing, and one-gig versions are dirt cheap to buy in bulk these days. You could include a full copy of your promotional materials, a “teaser” video, or virtually anything else. Plus, a branded memory stick is a nice reusable gift that keeps your name in circulation.
(Physical discs might also be possible, but they’re a bit passé and seen as wasteful – and they can’t be reused.)
B) Attach QR Codes That Lead to Downloads on Your Website
In practical terms, this is nearly the same, although leads don’t get the nice freebie and might face long download times for a large file. Still, it’s a lot cheaper for you.
Either way, a headline like “Open here for your free video!” is a good way to get people looking at your direct mail materials and build plenty of buzz!
And for that matter…
7 – Use More QR Codes
Even if they aren’t attached to downloads specifically, QR Codes (or other barcode styles) are virtually guaranteed to boost response rates to direct mail campaigns. When all that’s needed is to wave a smartphone in front of your mailer, you’ll get responses out of people who might not otherwise be bothered.
Even something as simple as a mailing list or RSVP can get a lot more interaction. Better, this allows for direct digital tracking of response rates. You’ll know on a per-person basis how many of your mailers got someone’s attention.
8 – Keep Tracking Your Results
Finally, for a direct mail campaign to really be successful, you should be tracking it in a data-rich environment. A database of customers, response rates, and past campaign performance can quickly build a complete picture of which DM tactics work with your leads… and which don’t.
Just like with tracking the performance of your trade show displays themselves, you should be looking to track as much data as possible with your trade show marketing. This can be used to fine-tune campaigns, find more appealing approaches, discover new/better neighborhoods, or simply track which gimmicks/freebies get the most attention.
Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing
If you are considering a direct mail marketing campaign for your business, it is important to understand how it can prove to be worth the investment. Trade show direct mail advertising should still be a part of your marketing plans because of the many benefits you will find.
Better Response Rates
According to a 2018 study conducted by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), the response rates were 9% for in-house lists and 5% for prospects. This is an increase over the previous year. They think customization has played a role in improved response rates.
Direct Mail Isn't Ignored
No one goes to the mailbox to collect the mail and then immediately throw the pile of mail into the trash can. They get the mail, sit down, open it, and read it. More than 53% of Americans actually read all of their mail, while 21% admit to only scanning what they have received. So, sending direct mail for your trade show event means there is a higher likelihood that people will read it.
More Personal
Direct mail is also tangible and much more personal than an email. You can place physical mail into a bag, purse, your pocket, or even on the fridge. This serves as a reminder of the event. It isn't forgotten about as easily as an email would be.
Direct Mail Builds Trust
Many people have also reported that they actually want to receive mailed marketing messages instead of the shady ads they see popping up online. Direct mail is more familiar and can build trust with your target audience because you connect with consumers on a more personal level, including those who may not be familiar with technology.
More Creative
Direct mail also allows your brand to be more creative when it compares to digital alternatives. The sizes for online banners, social ads, and photos are all standardized. However, when it comes to direct mail trade show advertising, you can make it more personalized and eye-catching. You can play around with different textures, sizes, and other design options to make the direct mail more memorable.
More Cost-Effective
If you choose to send out direct mail, you will also find it is a much more cost-effective solution. Not only is it easy to employ, but it can also fit nicely into any marketing budget while contributing to a high average ROI when compared to online media competition.
Allows You to Track a Potential Customer
Not everyone looks at direct mail as something that is easy to track. However, there are some techniques you can use to track qualified leads. One of the more common methods of tracking direct mail for trade shows is through your website. Use a custom landing page and then list the URL on your direct mail campaign. You can also choose to track qualified leads with custom phone numbers and exclusive offers.
Direct Mail Still Has a Place in Trade Show Outreach
So, don’t get too caught up trying to use the latest and greatest technological innovations in your trade show marketing. The tried-and-true methods of getting traffic and boosting booth visitors are still highly effective, especially when combined with more high-tech methods to boost their response rates.
The (relatively) high cost of a direct mail campaign can easily be mitigated with smart tactics, planning, and good data collection. Keep this in mind, and you’ll see a lot better results from your direct mailers for trade shows – especially if you can make the mailers themselves fun to explore.
Need more tips? Please don’t hesitate to contact American Image (800) 676-3976 for a free consultation on your trade show display strategies!