Use Tradeshow Themes to Guarantee A Valuable Experience In Your Tradeshow Booth
Do you need a tradeshow theme to make sure visiting your exhibit is memorable? After all, if they don’t remember you, then you wasted your exhibiting budget.
How do you make the experience of visiting your booth memorable and valuable to trade show attendees? Clearly, you want these people to remember you when you follow up after the show, and you want them to think of you as a source of solutions to their problems.
Here are some of my ideas on how to make your exhibit stand out on the show floor, and in the minds of attendees:
1) Think Like A Guest:
You go to so many shows that your eyes glaze over inside exhibit halls. But the people coming to see the show you’re exhibiting at aren’t that jaded. Think about your exhibit from their point of view.
If you were attending this show, how would you want to feel when it’s over? What would you like to know that you didn’t before you came? What would give a show visitor a favorable assessment of your own company’s tradeshow themes? If you think like a guest, you’ll be able to determine how the exhibit you’re planning will inform attendees about your company and your product or service in memorable ways.
2) Think Different:
Apple’s iconic advertisement used this phrase to great effect. And you can use it to improve the effectiveness of your trade show exhibit.
Has your company been doing the same thing year in and year out: sending one person to a show to staff a ten by ten booth? Why not send two people to your next show and see what happens? Have you been giving away the same swag time after time? Experiment. Try a different trade show ideas marketing plan, or try no premiums at all. Anything that’s new and different will change the dynamics of how attendees experience your exhibit.
3) Think Tradeshow Theme:
To add value and memorability to your exhibit, consider selecting over-arching tradeshow themes that show up in everything related to your participation in the show.
Try to incorporate a single concept into the design of the invitations you’ll send out to hot prospects and repeat customers (inviting them to visit your exhibit). Repeat that theme in your booth staff’s attire (think t-shirts shirts with the same artwork as the invitation). Use that same design in the booth itself as your major graphic element. This creates much more memorability than simply having your company logo plastered on everything.
4) Think Higher and Hire:
Where you set the bar in your planning has a big impact on what attendees will experience at your booth. The higher you set the bar, the greater chance you have to impress your guests and increase the memorability of your presence.
A “loving hands of home” approach to anything attendees will encounter in your exhibit can create an epic fail. By hiring trade show professionals to help with planning and execution, you add a level of polish to each facet of their trade show experiences. Let them help you add “wow factors” to your plans. The participation of pro’s will also go a long way toward ensuring a smooth flowing show, with no last-minute problems you’ll need to fix.
5) Think Value:
Your participation in a show doesn’t have to end when the cases arrive at your exhibit. Consider creating video of the show (to be used for promotional purposes after) or video for the show (to be shown in your exhibit). Either type can be repurposed for use in other venues or mediums.
For example, you can add the video to your website, so people can take a “virtual tour” of your trade show booth, or get information about your products or service. You can add value and impact to the video by including a speaker (like your CEO) who’ll share your company’s vision, present your latest product or service, or talk about how your company is meeting new challenges. You’ll have a captive audience in your exhibit (or for later online uses), so you can spoon-feed them a clear idea you’d like them to have.
6) Think Memorability:
Every aspect of your trade show exhibit should be planned with an eye toward making it memorable for show visitors. You don’t want to look and act like every other exhibitor, or you’ll fade into the woodwork and no one will remember you were there. Select trade show themes that provide a consistent message, so that your branding and signage don’t send mixed messages.
The design of your exhibit is the biggest single factor in making your presence memorable. If it looks tired, worn, or run of the mill, consider re-thinking your design and replacing what you’re using. The greater amount of attention your new trade show booth will attract will help pay for its replacement over the lifespan of the exhibit. Let the trade show experts at American Image Displays help you imagine an exhibit that will truly set you apart from the rest, then go to work and make people remember you.
The goal of every exhibitor should be to do everything in their power to create an experience in your exhibit that makes people remember their interaction with you. We can help with that. We’ll be happy to discuss your needs or help you work through your thoughts and ideas for bringing a new look to your booth. If you’re not attracting the attention you want, talk with us about creating an exhibit that helps make your presence at each show a standout success. Call us at (425) 556-9511 or email [email protected].