Trade Show Displays: Adding Style and Function to your Display Stand
Sometimes it’s the Minotaur’s maze at a trade show. Every aisle at the trade show looks the same. Every booth display looks the same. There’s a reason they give you maps! It isn’t much better for exhibitors. How do you go about adding style and function to your display stand in order to stand out from the rows of similar looking, black-curtains with their tables and easels and logo-splashed tension balls?
Obviously, displays with colors; graphic displays that catch the attention. Wouldn’t it be nice to stand out with a burst of colorful display. Another helpful tool is to have some of your newest products displayed. That’s where portable trade show displays can make all the difference. Because you’re probably thinking those trade show displays would be bulky, complicated, and a right pain to assemble.
Are you imagining steamer trunks of mysterious parts needing assembly? That’s what some of the older display stands looked like! But the fact is, trade show displays don’t have to be bulky, nor do they have to require a group of teamsters to assemble. There are portable trade show displays that are simple and convenient to bring and assemble. It’s actually possible to roll in, portable display in tow, and be set up and attracting visitors in very little time.
As an example, consider the Sacagawea portable displays. This is a portable trade show display on a grand scale. Rising 82 inches into the air and spanning an attention grabbing 110 inches wide. This is a trade show display that not just Lewis and Clark, but even George C. Scott’s Patton would have appreciated standing in front of! And it goes up in about thirty minutes – faster with a little help from a colleague.
From the moment that you arrive at your booth area you’ll have gained eye popping attention in no time at all – you’ll be out of the trade show hall and on to your next task while all of your show neighbors are still unpacking their booths! That’s pretty impressive for something that’s so portable. And if you order several different graphics, you can change them out as needed and will never look the same from one trade show to the next (and can also market different products for different clients and different market places.)
Another example of portable jaw-dropping trade show displays are the Segue Visionary modular displays. Even more affordable than the Sacagawea displays, this display stand system is so light weight the 10ft version packs in a carry bag! Again, so portable, you’ll stroll into the trade show hall and be up and inspiring clients in 15 minutes.
There are variations on both the Sacagawea and the Segue display systems that allow you to set up larger stands in series, creating 10×10, 10×20, and 10×30 displays. And these displays define portability. Which means they make traveling and setup very easy for the exhibitor, while making a great first impression with your clients.
And really, that’s what is important at a trade show, that first impression. You’ve got them looking at the amazing display, which happens to be ultra-portable by the way, and now you’ve got their attention. That’s because you don’t look like everyone else – and your clients don’t have to know that these display stands are very affordable too!